Pedro Franceschi: The Young Brazilian Activist 22 Year Old

Pedro Franceschi


Pedro Franceschi is a name that is gaining traction in the world of youth activism, particularly in Brazil. At just 20 years old, he has already made a name for himself as a passionate advocate for human rights, social justice, and environmental protection.

Pedro Franceschi – Twitter

Pedro Franceschi – LinkedIn

Franceschi was born in Rio de Janeiro in 2002, and from a young age, he was acutely aware of the socio-economic disparities that exist in his country. As he grew older, he became more and more involved in local community projects, which gave him a deeper understanding of the issues faced by marginalized communities.

It was through this work that Franceschi became interested in political activism, and he quickly realized that he had a platform to effect real change. He became involved in several social and political campaigns, including the Brazilian student movement, which aims to improve public education in the country.

In 2019, Franceschi gained international attention when he co-founded the Brazilian chapter of Fridays For Future, a global movement initiated by young climate activist Greta Thunberg. The movement aims to raise awareness of the urgent need for action to combat climate change and protect the planet.

Since then, Franceschi has been a vocal advocate for environmental protection, participating in protests, conferences, and public speeches. He has also been involved in several other social and political causes, including the fight against police brutality and the push for greater LGBTQ+ rights in Brazil.

Franceschi’s activism has not gone unnoticed. In 2020, he was awarded the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award for his work in advancing human rights and social justice. He has also been named as one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 social entrepreneurs in Brazil.

Despite his youth, Franceschi has shown a level of determination and commitment that is truly inspiring. His work is a reminder that young people have the power to effect real change and make a difference in the world. With his passion for social justice, environmental protection, and human rights, Franceschi is a rising star in the world of activism, and one to watch in the years to come.

Here are some FAQs

Who is Pedro Franceschi?

Pedro Franceschi is a young Brazilian activist who is passionate about social justice, human rights, and environmental protection. He is best known for co-founding the Brazilian chapter of Fridays For Future, a global movement that aims to raise awareness about climate change and the urgent need for action.

Pedro Franceschi is Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Brex — a company reimagining financial systems so every growing company can realize their full potential and take control of their spend and business as they scale.

What has Pedro Franceschi done?

Pedro Franceschi has been involved in various social and political campaigns, including the Brazilian student movement and the fight against police brutality. He co-founded the Brazilian chapter of Fridays For Future in 2019 and has since been a vocal advocate for environmental protection. In 2020, he was awarded the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award for his work in advancing human rights and social justice.

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What is Fridays For Future?

Fridays For Future is a global movement initiated by young climate activist Greta Thunberg. The movement aims to raise awareness about the urgent need for action to combat climate change and protect the planet. The movement began with students skipping school on Fridays to participate in climate strikes and has since grown into a global movement with chapters in countries around the world.

What are some of the causes Pedro Franceschi supports?

They supports a range of social and political causes, including environmental protection, human rights, social justice, and LGBTQ+ rights. He has been involved in various campaigns and protests in Brazil and has used his platform to raise awareness about these issues.

What awards has Pedro Franceschi received?

In 2020, He was awarded the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award for his work in advancing human rights and social justice. He has also been named as one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 social entrepreneurs in Brazil.

How old is Pedro Franceschi?

He was born in 2002, which makes him 21 years old as of 2023.

What inspired Pedro Franceschi to become an activist?

His interest in activism began when he became involved in local community projects in Brazil, which gave him a deeper understanding of the issues faced by marginalized communities. He was particularly inspired by the Brazilian student movement, which aims to improve public education in the country. This led him to become more involved in social and political campaigns and to co-found the Brazilian chapter of Fridays For Future.

What impact has Pedro Franceschi had on the environmental movement?

He has been a vocal advocate for environmental protection and has helped to raise awareness about the urgent need for action to combat climate change. He has participated in protests, conferences, and public speeches, and has used his platform to educate others about the importance of environmental sustainability.

What is Pedro Franceschi’s vision for the future?

His vision for the future is one in which all people are treated with dignity and respect, and where there is greater social and economic equality. He is committed to fighting for environmental protection, human rights, and social justice, and hopes to inspire others to join him in these efforts.

How can people support Pedro Franceschi’s work?

People can support Pedro Franceschi’s work by following him on social media, sharing his message with others, and getting involved in local and global activism efforts. They can also donate to organizations that support causes that he is passionate about, such as environmental protection, human rights, and social justice.

What challenges has Pedro Franceschi faced as an activist?

As an activist, He has faced a range of challenges, including backlash from those who disagree with his views and opposition from government officials. He has also faced personal attacks and threats, which he has bravely spoken out about.

What advice does Pedro Franceschi have for young activists?

He has advised young activists to stay informed and educated about the issues they care about, to use their voices to advocate for change, and to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. He has also emphasized the importance of self-care and mental health in the face of the challenges that come with activism.

What are some of Pedro Franceschi’s future plans?

His plans to continue advocating for environmental protection, human rights, and social justice, and hopes to inspire others to join him in these efforts. He also plans to continue his studies and hopes to use his education to further his activism work.

What impact has Pedro Franceschi had on the youth activism movement in Brazil?

He has had a significant impact on the youth activism movement in Brazil, particularly through his work with Fridays For Future. He has inspired many young people to get involved in environmental activism and has helped to raise awareness about the urgent need for action to combat climate change. His advocacy for social justice and human rights has also helped to inspire a new generation of activists in Brazil and beyond.

What can we learn from Pedro Franceschi’s activism?

His activism teaches us that young people have the power to effect real change and make a difference in the world. His passion for social justice, environmental protection, and human rights serves as an inspiration for others to get involved in activism and to work towards creating a better future for all.

How has Pedro Franceschi’s activism work been received in Brazil?

His activism work has been met with a range of responses in Brazil. While he has received support and praise from many individuals and organizations for his work on environmental protection and social justice, he has also faced opposition and criticism from those who disagree with his views. In addition, his work on Fridays For Future has been met with some resistance from government officials and institutions.

How has Pedro Franceschi responded to criticism of his activism work?

He has responded to criticism of his activism work by continuing to advocate for his beliefs and by engaging in constructive dialogue with those who disagree with him. He has also emphasized the importance of respecting different viewpoints while still working towards common goals.

What has been the impact of Pedro Franceschi’s work on Brazilian politics?

His work has had a significant impact on Brazilian politics, particularly in the areas of environmental protection and human rights. His advocacy has helped to raise awareness about these issues and to put pressure on government officials to take action. Additionally, his work on Fridays For Future has helped to mobilize young people in Brazil to get involved in political activism and to advocate for change.

What role does Pedro Franceschi see for young people in shaping the future?

He sees young people as having a crucial role to play in shaping the future. He believes that young people bring energy, creativity, and a fresh perspective to social and political issues, and that they have the power to effect real change. He encourages young people to get involved in activism and to use their voices to advocate for a better world.

What is Pedro Franceschi’s message to the world?

His message to the world is one of hope and action. He believes that by working together and taking action on issues such as climate change, human rights, and social justice, we can create a better world for all. He encourages individuals to get involved in activism and to use their voices to advocate for change, and he emphasizes the importance of staying hopeful and committed in the face of challenges.

Who is the owner of Brex?

Pedro Franceschi

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